Well, it came to my attention on this topic. It's funny how we tell lies be it a white lie, blatantly a stupid lie, a lie to cover some other lies the list goes on and on.
A perfect example we use daily.... if we are late to an appointment the waiting party calls very confidently we say 'On the way'; 'very near'; 'traffic jam' and lots more :)
We use it enough times it just comes out of our mouth ever so smoothly like going to toilet on an easy day.
Well it was so funny when you know someone is telling you a lie, I'm sure most of you have been through the situation beofre.
Mine happened , oh oh I mean a friend of a friends story......
The news actually got to a friend of a friend's (fof) well before they tell them the news. so this fof of mine just listen in and listen to what they have to say. The story they tell you is funny.
Not going inot the specifiecs of the whole story but will reveal it in a much later time.
Well looking at the whole senario they would have to live with thier lies the whole of the life I guess most people can live with it. It a 'norm' thing I guess. The best part is they are not covering it lolz..... how brave can we get these days. I hope the new generation will not be like this.
Well what our teachers taught us in school 'honesty is the best policy' that went down the drain preety quick just like me downing my coke on a hot day......
haaaa.. the thought of coke now relates me to food and I'm hungry now. I guess I will stop here to top up my stomach.