Saturday, March 12, 2011

13,505 days of life (there abouts)

Wow time is really like the speed of internet connection, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. For me it's always been a mixed pace but for the last 12 months or so, like opening up a web page and you type in '' no matter at what speed you are connected it just come out - just like that.

Fast pace, slow pace, no pace..... Major developments, major career change , major life adaptations.
Firstly I resigned from Family business around 3rd quarter 2009, don't really know what I want to do. Sat down, hands together , thumbs turning.... actually I should have just munched on a bamboo which is much more suitable.. anyways... a light bulb moment appeared.

Acted on the light bulb before it burns out (light bulb ain't cheap these days) A short version - I got a new career. What as one might ask?? I'm a cosmetics distributor.... yes a guy dealing with cosmetics. A very big (ahems, Panda's are) stark contrast to what I normally venture into. To add more, my other partner is a guy too....

Two guys in cosmetics business, phew this is a first .... it not so much the gender, Two guys with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about powders, cream, etc that goes on a face further more a female's face. A recipe for disaster but NO!! A determined Panda, means a determined Panda...
A series of discussions, phone call meetings to the USA and Panda ended up with a Master Distributor for a well known cosmetics brand, that not all.... it was for the Asean region covering Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and just added not too long ago Myanmar......

Adding to the excitement, Baby Calvin was due and my training to launch the brand is at the same time. Working my time management at it's best. Baby Calvin is going to be 8 months soon... gawd I have not updated his blog as well...

Well it's the big 37 today... yes that many years ago I was alive , breathing , kicking and crying for milk.... only now I understand what my parents went through.

37 is my magical number, thus this year is my lucky year. Indeed it is... 14 years ago I set out a plan to move to Thailand, now I have the first step. An office, showroom and a house, without the help of my Thai partners / friends / Bro and Sis Alex & Hatsh this would not happen. It is a big Birthday present for me on my lucky number, lucky year. To add on, Diva Frances Yip is performing in Bangkok and we are glad to be part of the Official Sponsor for her make-up.

Well this is definitely a tough year to go by, not as in time. I regularly post on Facebook to buy time if anyone can offer to me. The tough part about me this year is I spend most of my time away from home. Setting up business is always tough in the beginning. I have not seen baby Calvin for the last 10 days, when I get back next week, I only get to see him 1 day and I'm off to Myanmar. 3 weeks in a month I'm not at home. I'm happy to have a understanding wife and I hope baby Calvin not forget me as he grows on.
As Malcom Gladwell's book Outliers, 10,000 hours to perfection, I think I can see where my 10,000 hours is, and now is the Tipping Point where the business takes off.

My body is getting tired but my brain still wants to continue, I guess I'll give in to my body for now... I shall continue in the morning........