Friday, May 11, 2012

dunno how many days ago.....

Geezzz, long time since my posting... a lot has happened since then.
Where to start? Well officially my country of residence is now Singapore, I think we have been here for 2 months, I've lost count as I've been living out of my suitcase that much.

Flying and different hotels:  A lot of my friends asks me , hey you've got  a great job flying every other day. In the beginning is a novelty, after a few trips is getting tired and very tired. My most dreadful item, my red suitcase. These days I will no pack till the few hours before I board the plane and washing is 1 week after I'm back.

Getting up in different beds on a regular basis is not fun at all, at times I wake up and ask myself where am I? Dumfounded , blur and gets back to sleep.

I am deeply appreciated my staffs that directly works under me, they help me a lot along the way.

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